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Cosmic Diamonds (Whitney Powers Paranormal Adventures Book 4) Page 3
Cosmic Diamonds (Whitney Powers Paranormal Adventures Book 4) Read online
Page 3
A few grumbles were heard but nobody could come up with any names.
Marlowe Reed, a silver-skinned male with bright red hair and a dead left eye, said, “I don’t know anyone that can be trusted even if they didn’t know what was going on.” Marlowe’s mouth was located in the middle of his long neck and ironically, he periodically cleared his throat. He hated authority, and joined the gang to get back as those bastards.
Roxelle said, “For the money involved here, we should have people lining up. We’re going to have to approach two people. Wish we had some stupid earth humans around. We could use them and they would have no idea what was going on. Advanced beings will be too suspicious.”
The werelion named Harrins smiled, showing that some of her jagged teeth were missing. She worked in a beauty salon and hated her job. She couldn’t wait for the heist as she scratched a wide, unhealed scar under her right eye. She constantly played with her nail or claw polish. “We could kill humans too and not have to worry about paying the fine. Too bad there aren’t any aliens willing to abduct humans anymore and send them our way.”
Mimick, the half-droid with laser-red eyes suggested, “Earth humans aren’t as dumb as most of you elitists think.”
Roxelle snapped at him. “Shut up, you impish sissy. Nobody asked you anything.”
Mimick lowered his head like a scolded dog. Mimick had a job he enjoyed and most members were confused about why he wanted to take part in such a dangerous plan.
Boggle said, “So we know we have to get two more people for the mission, but is everything else worked out? Do we have the code to hack the warehouse alarms and automatic computerized weapons in and around the warehouse?”
Glint Chesswell stop playing with his long beard and mustache and pushed the thinning black hair on top of his head back with the palm of his hand. The greedy being didn’t seem to have any issue with screwing over his co-sponsors to become even richer. “I got all that under control. I already have the code ready to launch the Intel-Driven Lasers that will help us bust through the protective shield around Soro Exxo.”
Roxelle added, “A beautiful planet all to ourselves. We can use those ghosts as slaves if we want, but we just can’t let them get ahold of any of our weapons.”
Marlowe said, “Ha ha, I’m shooting anyone that comes near me once we get there. That goes for all of you too.”
Mimick asked, “Has the code been tested for the lasers? We don’t want to be stuck outside Soro Exxo for too long.”
Roxelle said, “If Glint says the lasers will be ready to go, then they’ll be ready to go. I told you to keep quiet unless I called on you, mufucker.” She was always hostile toward Mimick.
Roxelle was worried about losing two people from the mission. She could find anyone to do the job, but could they be trusted? She knew a lot of beings that would agree to the job and then report her to the authorities. It had been hard enough to find the original twenty-eight people that they needed to pull off this job.
They had already gone over the plan in great detail and now they were only waiting to find two more people to help. The group talked for about another hour before Roxelle decided to go home. She took a quick ride on the raised track of the HyperLoop to get to her nice neighborhood.
She punched in her security code and turned the knob on the door before entering. The big house was sparsely decorated because Roxelle hardly ever had company over. She walked into her living room and sat down on her long, black couch when an odd feeling hit her chest.
Her heightened sense of smell detected the faint body odor of a man. She grabbed her gun from under the couch and headed down the hallway.
She started to search stealthily around the house for a predator. She peered into her bedroom and found the culprit. She ran up behind the person and applied a choke hold.
She asked, “What the fuck are you doing here?”
A monotone voice answered, “You know exactly what I’m doing here.” It was a half-droid who parted his long black hair on the side and swept it across his head. Roxelle stared at his turquoise neck and debated her next move.
She spun Mimick around and planted a powerful kiss on him that almost sucked his entire face in. She ripped his shimmering silver suit from his turquoise body and threw it aside. She threw the half-droid with robotic arms and legs onto the bed. Roxelle peeled off her red leather pants, but left her top and vest on. She never wore panties.
She jumped up on top of Mimick and rubbed her sweet spot tantalizingly back and forth on his manhood, trying to get excited. Roxelle didn’t believe in love, only lust that would get her through the night.
No kids, never married. She stroked his curved penis with her hand until it was hard and she slowly slid down on his member.
She slammed down on him like thunder and immediately started with crashing thuds at a fast pace. She closed her eyes and concentrated. She pounded away for about ten minutes. Roxelle opened her eyes and noticed the smile on Mimick’s face. She used one hand to help get herself off and the other to cover Mimick’s mouth.
She wasn’t worried about him screaming, she was worried that he might say I love you. Roxelle usually took what she wanted sexually and moved on, but she had been carrying on this relationship with Mimick for years. Roxelle had started it because she and Mimick shared a similar low emotional level with Mimick and she didn’t think either being would get attached.
Roxelle squeezed Mimick’s metal forearms and shuddered as a quaking orgasm followed. She leaned down and kissed him on his warm, glowing emerald cheek.
“Thanks. Now get the fuck out.” Roxelle lay back as Mimick picked up his clothes. She thought about life on Soro Exxo and becoming one of the richest people in the universe.
After some deliberation, Trent and Whitney chose to go with the touch pads in their respective forearms. Whitney sat in a bright room on a dentist or barber’s chair. Her left arm had been strapped down at the elbow and wrist. The veins in her forearm bulged as her heart raced out of control.
A man in white scrubs put an anesthesia mask over Whitney’s face. Her heartbeat slowed down as a woozy sensation kicked in. She quickly lost consciousness. They repeated the process with Trent and two doctors entered the room.
Dressed in light blue scrubs, the bearded men started measuring Trent and Whitney’s forearm. Whitney’s doctor used laser projection to mark a rectangular area on her forearm. He set two tiny white rags in Whitney’s open palm and pressed a red button on her chair.
A golden tray of medical equipment floated into the room and stopped next to Whitney’s chair. The doctor claimed the scalpel from the tray. He looked at Whitney’s face to make sure she was unconscious. After confirmation, he dug the sharpened edge into Whitney’s flesh and a pearl of blood rushed out of the tiny wound.
The man deftly traced exactly along the red laser line. He grabbed a swab from her palm to soak up some of the blood. He repeated the process on three sides of the rectangle, leaving a long side intact. He opened the flap of skin like a door and exposed the inside of Whitney’s forearm.
The doctor soaked up most of the blood and changed gloves. He gave Whitney several shots to avoid infection.
He grabbed a small rectangular touchscreen and gently placed it in the opening. He changed rubber gloves again because the current pair was already soaked in blood. He tried to soak up some more of the blood around the outer edges of the touchscreen.
He grabbed a small device that looked like an electronic toothbrush from the golden tray. He pressed a red button and a small blue flame shot out of the tip of the device. He stretched some of Whitney’s skin to cover the outer edges of the touchscreen.
He used the blue flame to burn Whitney’s skin to the screen. The cracking and sizzling sounds were nothing compared to the aroma of burning flesh. Her skin bubbled, turning almost into a black liquid, before sealing to the electronic device.
Once the touchscreen was sealed into place, he used the blue flame to
cauterize the bloody side of the flap of skin. He grabbed the scalpel again and scraped away all the black, dead spots and made a smooth, leathery rectangle of skin.
He pushed it back over the screen and it covered the entire thing. The doctor took a hypodermic needle and flicked the end, forcing a light sprinkle of white liquid to emerge from the tip. He inserted the gleaming silver tip into Whitney’s elbow to enhance the healing process.
The other doctor finished up on Trent and both men left the room, followed by their flying trays of equipment.
Whitney woke up feeling delirious. She rolled over on a twin bed. Trent lay awake on another bed about four feet away from her.
“Hey there, sleepy,” Trent greeted her.
Whitney checked out her forearm. A rectangle of skin had a darker tint to it than the rest of her flesh. She poked the tough patch of skin and noticed it moved. She pushed the skin covering to the side and exposed the touchscreen underneath.
It said, Homepage Whitney Powers and when she scrolled down, there were a bunch of different options for obtaining information. Whitney stood up and noticed Trent was playing with his device too. Her head got really dizzy and she had to use the bed to brace herself until her equilibrium returned.
A voice came from behind her. “The doctors tell me the procedures were a great success. Let’s see how they look.”
Whitney spun around and saw Ozzie approaching. She peeled back the epidermal covering and showed her new toy to Ozzie. The older man moved over and looked at Trent’s. He nodded in approval and sat down at a circular table in the corner of the room.
Whitney and Trent joined him at the white table. Whitney couldn’t believe that she wasn’t feeling any pain from the operation. She assumed the anesthesia must still be running through her body.
Ozzie said, “This will make you much more accepted in space. They don’t usually trust humans that haven’t been altered.”
Whitney asked, “Why?”
The older man scratched the side of his head. “Because humans don’t have the capacity for this kind of travel. Any human in space is assumed to have been abducted. When a human is abducted they are experimented on. Most experiments are much like the alterations I explained to you. If a human isn’t altered it is considered very suspicious.”
Trent wanted to know, “Are we going to see other altered humans out there?”
Ozzie scratched his beard covering his left cheek. “Not likely. I would be shocked if you ran across another human. As I said, you are going to see some of the most amazing species of beings, but you will be hard pressed to find a human out of the bunch.”
Whitney asked, “Are you going to teach us how to use these?” She pointed at the screen in her forearm.
Ozzie confirmed. “Absolutely. There will be an in-depth tutorial later today. I also programmed some specifics about Roxelle and her crew so that you two can try to keep all of them straight. Since the days on this planet are shorter, we leave in three days, which is equivalent to a full day on your home planet. I suggest you use the remaining days to relax and mentally prepare for your mission.”
Ozzie stood up, bowed and left the room.
She smiled at Trent. “This is pretty crazy, huh?”
Trent agreed. “I’ve done some pretty crazy stuff in this lifetime, but I never thought I would have a phone in the underside of my forearm, that’s for sure.”
Whitney said, “Yeah, now if I call you, you have to answer.” She laughed.
Trent chuckled. “It’d be pretty hard to say I lost my phone. I can already see we have a text button on here so we can stay in touch if we get split up out there.”
Whitney said, “We’re not going to get split up. We need to stay together.”
Trent’s lips curled down and he spoke in a sobering tone. “I’ve done this undercover stuff before and it can get pretty grimy. All our plans could blow up immediately. We are playing by their rules. Just be ready for everything to be turned upside down.”
Whitney said, “I didn’t think this would be all roses and sunshine. But, whatever happens, we need to stick together.”
Trent rubbed the bridge of his nose. “What I am saying is that there might be a point where we are separated. I don’t want that to happen, but we should be prepared. If these people are as murderous and unpredictable as the crime family I had infiltrated, we might have to do some things we can’t tell our son about.”
She wrung her hands together. “I know. I don’t like that part. I’m still recovering from killing those people in Dream Land that apparently didn’t really exist. I guess we’ll do what we have to do to save our friends here.”
The next two days flew by and Whitney and Trent lay naked in the luxurious bed that had been given to them. The room looked like it belonged in a medieval castle. Family crest tapestries hung from the stone walls and ceiling. A red canopy covered the bed and a see through white lace shade hung down over three sides of the bed.
Trent jumped on top of Whitney and rubbed his thumb over her tightening nipple. Trent held her arms back over her head and ran his hands up and down her appendages. He suddenly stopped when he made contact with Whitney’s touchscreen covering.
“Don’t stop. It doesn’t hurt.”
Trent dove right back in and made love to Whitney until the planet’s star almost rose in the morning. She thought about how crazy it was to have sex in outer space.
Whitney gently placed her flushed cheek on Trent’s chest and he rubbed the small of her back with his fingertips.
“I still can’t get over these things.” Whitney held up her forearm. She sat up in bed and pulled the skin covering away.
“Here. Let’s see what happens when we check out the ‘Roxelle’s Gang’ tab.” Whitney hit the green button and the first screen had a picture of a blue planet that looked like earth. A column of tabs ran down the right side of the screen. She zoomed in and the tabs were for Roxelle, her gang, the laws of Centimore and background history of the planet.
She clicked on the purple tab marked, Roxelle Idris.
Roxelle Idris U472Z
Height: 1.88976 meters
Weight: 104.7798 kg
Occupation: Top Diamond Miner TJ9974 Interstellar Mining Corporation
Criminal Charges: Murder-13 Separate Charges
Criminal Convictions: 13 Convictions for Murder
Physical Description: Female with purple flesh. Tall and thick bodied. Completely black eyes (iris, pupil and sclera), long, ebony braids and a spider web of blue scars on her face from any number of brawls she has been involved in.
She backed out of that screen and hit the button to look at her gang.
Whitney didn’t have time to check all that information out now. The starlight crept in through the rosacea window, creating a pink shaft of light that shone through the lace bed shade.
She wanted to get an idea of exactly how big Roxelle really was. She found the metric converter on the home screen.
“Trent, this lady is six-foot-two and weighs in at a sturdy two hundred and thirty-one pounds.”
Trent answered sleepily, “That’s a few pounds more than I weigh. That’s one big bitch for sure.”
Whitney got out of bed and started to pack for the trip. She was only permitted to bring a small case and she tried to figure out what was most important.
Later that day, Whitney looked out the clear viewport on the left side of the small cabin and watched the brilliant, streaking stars set to the dead black backdrop. She sat back in a comfortable leather seat and was surprised they weren’t required to wear a helmet for breathing.
The long white ship looked like the shuttles astronauts on earth used, except this vessel was bigger. The wings were much smaller and the left side of the long cabin provided a thrilling look outside.
Whitney started to drift off because of the lack of sleep from the past few days and set her head back on the soft headrest. She adjusted the cushioning until it was just right and closed her eyes.
A little while later, Trent tapped Whitney on the shoulder. He said, “Hey baby. You gotta get up now. We need to get on another space ship apparently.”
Whitney tried to shake the haze from the nap and grabbed her suitcase. She stood up and walked to the back of the cabin. Another space craft sat about fifteen feet away from the Cerulean Explorer. A white rectangular tunnel started to expand from the other ship.
Ozzie emerged from the navigation pit and held his hands out. “This is your stop. You will connect here and go right down to Centimore. Remember everything I’ve told you. I’ll see you upon your return. Be safe.” He turned back around and walked away before Whitney could even say thank you.
Whitney wondered if Ozzie was human or an alien who looked like a human. She hadn’t gotten to asking the man any personal questions during the training. She turned her attention back to the connection process.
A monotone call from the Captain came over the intercom. “Be sure the attachment is completely secured and locked into place before opening the door.”
The warning scared Whitney because it was common sense. Who would open a door to outer space without making sure you weren’t going to be sent hurtling to an instant death? Trent put his arm around her and pulled her closer.
The sliding door shifted to the side and Whitney’s heart fluttered, hoping she wouldn’t be sucked into outer space. The crew members stood to the side and pointed toward the opening with open hands.
She entered the white tunnel and felt like she was trapped inside a sock. The bottom was sturdy. She took a deep breath and concentrated on walking in a straight line.
She ran her fingers against the sides of the space tunnel and felt something similar to the rough material used for a firehose. A rough, coarse fiber clashed with her silky fingertips. She hoped this fabric could stop flying space debris and stellar flares. Whitney took six more unsure steps and boarded a smaller cabin.