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Six Heads One Crown (The Pearl of Wisdom Saga Book 3) Page 23
Six Heads One Crown (The Pearl of Wisdom Saga Book 3) Read online
Page 23
Riceros told him, “No, I need to go alone.”
Riceros looked around the table, expecting to hear somebody object but all he saw was an ugly smile come across Kazu’s wrinkled face.
The old man warned him, “Please make this brief. There is no telling where the demons lurk anymore. Where is it you will go?”
Riceros didn’t know how to respond but he blurted out, “Nowhere in particular. I just need to be outside.”
This time everyone objected and begged him not to go or at least wait for the Imp Wizard to return. Riceros had to perform his secret duty. The new group followed him to the door, still trying to talk him out of it but Riceros stepped out into the sun-soaked desert. He looked around and didn’t know which way to go. He chose a random direction and tried to walk that way with confidence. He kept looking back to be sure no one had followed him and couldn’t see anyone. He walked for about twenty minutes into another deserted area. He checked for people before closing his eyes. He concentrated as the Pearl of Wisdom burst through the skin on his back. The golden wings started to form from the radiant object and a soft flapping sound hit his ears as he rolled his shoulders to move the wings.
The speed of the wings increased rapidly as he thought he noticed someone to his left. Riceros rose up into the cerulean sky. He flew toward the sun and soon reached the clouds. He kept rising and spotted a silver dragon out of the corner of his eye. He followed the dragon to the gray lair and walked along the bridge to the castle, through the main gate and under the rising portcullis. Several dragons greeted him as he walked down the long hallway and into an open room with Ikeros and Rosambell.
The golden dragon greeted him, “Welcome back. Is the plan moving forward down there on the earth’s surface?”
Riceros didn’t know what to say but he answered, “I guess so but I couldn’t truly know. It seems that the special group you mentioned before has come together at the School of the Learned Warrior. However, even the wizard Dragon-Eyes doesn’t know when the demons will attack.”
Ikeros let out a sigh and said, “The demons were never reputed to be an intelligent bunch, but I am confident that they will attacketh without warning or announcement. It is a rather clichéd statement, but stayeth ready, young one. I hate to belabor this point but the demons are unpredictable. Dost thou knoweth how the demon race came to be?”
Riceros knew a great many facts and he said, “I’ve been told they came from inside the earth.”
Ikeros waved his head back and forth and spoke, “That is true to a certain extent but there is much more behind the story. Salius and Travibero, two names I am sure thou art familiar with, were brothers and the first men to live on earth. They lived happily for years, enjoying the bounty of nature. One day, the boys went to explore Mount Genesis. They foundeth two enormous blue eggs with scales covering their surface and took them back home. They gaveth the eggs love and warmth until two dragons hatched from the shells. Babies, they were, but the brothers continued to nurture the tiny creatures until they were too big to stay in the caves. A golden male and black female greweth into adulthood and started to have children. It is said that the dragons started to feel guilty about having families when the two men who had raised them couldn’t enjoy the same pleasures. The dragons fleweth up into the heavens and didn’t actually find the Gods, but they did stumble upon two women, perfect for each man. They brought down the two, known as Esther and Patriah. Both ladies quickly fell in love with the charming Salius, which obviously enraged Travibero. The angered brother captured Esther and stole away with her and the red and black baby dragons. He went to a place that he knew to be safe and forced Esther to bear him children. She gave him seven children and he promptly killed her after the final birth. He took his children and dragons and sank into the earth. Everyone assumed he would never be seen again. The jealous sibling lay waiting underground for the perfect time to strike. He saweth the war of the First Families as the best opportunity to retake the earth for himself. Unfortunately for him, all of his dragons perished in the failed attack. He lost the war and retreated back underground. Many centuries have passed and Travibero has transformed himself and all the demons into the current form. Their looks were molded over time and their blood turned black. The rest of Salius’ story has been well chronicled in the Words of the Gods.”
Riceros was blown away but he had to ask, “Wow. So how did the water dragons come to be?”
Ikeros sat his body down before continuing, “Inquisitive, thou art. That is a fine question. When Travibero stoleth the baby dragons, their parents searched everywhere for them. Understandably distraught, they looked all over before depression set in. As they flew over the Sea of Green, warm tears fell from their eyes. Even for a dragon, those tears are tiny drops compared to a vast ocean. Those fateful tears miraculously foundeth each other and mingled together to create a male and female water dragon. The parents had no idea of this event and only met their children over fifty years later. Most people know that a rogue black dragon left the noble effort to joineth the likes of Damian Doome. Feeling underappreciated, Brute proved to be a rogue and simply up and left one day, but I still don’t know how he bred with no female counterpart. Somehow, Damian Doome has built up a heavy force of angry dragons. He also has cross-bred the dragons with other animals to create some very wild and scary creatures. He captured an army of Cyclopes from Heldoor and convinced them to fight for his side. Be careful of where you put Dioneer on the battleground. He may have trouble killing a former brother or sister, just like anyone else.”
Riceros looked into Ikeros’ flaming eyes as the dragon went on, “I think this is enough new information to fill thy mind for now. I will try to layer these revealing stories so they don’t overwhelm thou. Most men would wholly dismiss these revelations but thou knoweth they are the truth as thy has seen too much.”
“Why are you telling me this?” Riceros wanted to know.
Ikeros answered without hesitation, “Because thou are a young man of knowledge. I knoweth thou like to understand the reasoning and background stories behind these decisions. This will probably be our last meeting in this lair. I need to give thou something.”
From the inside of Ikeros’ wing, a small hand with three bloody, opposable fingers protruded from the reptilian skin. The hand reached into the cloudy wall and the dragon pulled it back out. Riceros watched the sharp nails of the dragon move across the room to stop in front of his face as the hand opened. A tiny golden flute appeared and Ikeros’ eyes and face prompted the small boy to jump up and grab the magic whistle. Ikeros retracted his hand back into his wing and gazed at the boy in silence for a moment.
Riceros asked, “I assume I need to blow into this to summon the dragons?”
Ikeros responded, “You are a small one, but a wise one nonetheless. Now you better return so as not to raise any more suspicion than you already have.”
Ikeros sent Epalon to guide Riceros back to Gama Traka. He landed in the same area that he had left from and couldn’t find anyone lurking as he surveyed the desert. The wings and Pearl retracted into his back and he started to walk toward the School. After about five minutes, a small man appeared ahead and looked to be moving quickly toward him. His heart raced until he recognized the man as Kazu and a sense of relief came over the little boy. As the old man got closer, Riceros noticed he had a serious, if not angry look on his face. Riceros sensed trouble and turned to run, but Kazu increased his pace. He spun around to see how far away the old man was and looked at a pair of demonic yellow eyes. He kept running until a swarm of yellow, red and black hands jumped out of the earth and grabbed at his legs. They pulled him underground to his knees and held him there. Kazu walked up with an evil smile and stared at the young boy. He used a black silk cord to tie Riceros’ arms behind his back. Kazu pulled his feet out of the ground and tied the boy’s legs together. Riceros tasted the sand as the old man dragged him away. Kazu stopped for a moment and grabbed Riceros’ feet and pulled the light boy u
p a mountain. As twilight threatened, Kazu stuffed Riceros into a cave and covered the entrance with a huge rock.
“I know the land. I’ll make sure the boy is safe,” announced Kazu as he stood up and started for the back door.
A confused Russell sat at the table in the library of the School of the Learned Warrior. He looked around at the unlikely team that had been taxed with saving the world. He couldn’t envision a more unlikely bunch as the group sat through another long period of complete silence. The Imp Wizard waddled into the room, yawning and shaking his head to try to stay awake. The ancient looks had completely switched to give him the normal aging features of a fifty- or sixty- year-old man. His confidence and attitude had improved greatly from the use of the Fuji Dust. Russell barely had a chance to speak with Dragon-Eyes since they had arrived at the School. He had mostly been conversing with Sunny and Muriel about the training they were under. The dwarf propped himself up onto a wooden chair and asked, “Where are Kazu and our little blond friend?”
Russell answered, “Riceros said he had to go outside for some reason.”
The little man’s jaw dropped and he spoke in a monotone, “And you just let him walk out that door? How could you do that? You let him leave by himself? None of us should travel by ourselves.”
Russell tried to calm him down and said, “Don’t worry, Kazu went to keep an eye on him.”
Dragon-Eyes asked, “Kazu?”
Russell told him, “Yes, Kazu. Tattoos on his neck. Short, older gentleman. You know him.”
Dragon-Eyes shot him an angry look and chastised, “This is not the time for japes. There’s been something different about Kazu, I have noticed.”
Sunny exclaimed, “I’ll round up a few of our best students and we will bring him back.” Sunny and Muriel left to organize the search party.
Russell tried to calm down the frantic dwarf and said, “I think you may be overreacting. He is going to stroll in that door any moment, I would bet.”
Dragon-Eyes shook his head and said, “Oh, that’s what you think, is it? Well, there is much you and I need to discuss. Some harsh realities have come to light. Ladies, Dioneer, may we have a few moments of seclusion, please?”
They left the room and Dragon-Eyes had a puzzled look on his face as he started speaking, “I’m not entirely sure how to say this. It appears I was wrong about one matter. You will not hold the Pearl of Wisdom. That’s why I am racking my brain over Riceros leaving. He is the true holder of the Pearl. Remember the phrase, ‘the Pearl lies within’? Well, that gross lump on his back is holding the most beautiful object in the world, at least once all the blood is wiped away. He doesn’t just hold the Pearl, he is the Pearl.”
Russell shook his head and couldn’t believe it. So a big, strong man like me can’t hold the Pearl, but a scrawny little boy can? This makes no sense.
Russell wondered, “So what now, I’m worthless. I should head back for Waters Edge and see if I can find Ali-Pari to take me back in?”
Dragon-Eyes spoke in a soothing tone, “No. No. No. You are still a vital member of this team and we will need you for victory. I know it sounds strange and you are disappointed but this a wild, ever-changing journey we are on.”
Russell spoke in a somber tone, “I’m just sorry I let you down and couldn’t live up to your expectations.”
A serious look came over Dragon-Eyes’ face and he said, “What? No. Russell, please tell me you don’t truly believe that. You’ve invigorated my soul. Other than that bout of rapid aging, you’ve provided an excitement this old man desperately needed. This war has been building for five hundred years. It’s no coincidence that you helped me make it here. We were meant to be here, together. It might not be the ideal situation we anticipated, but we will still be an integral part of saving the world.”
Russell confided in his friend, “I’m just…I’m just a little worried. I know the spirits will be with me, but I’ve never been in a battle before. I don’t want to end up as a tasty drink for the bloodsucking demons.”
Dragon-Eyes paused for a moment and said, “What happened in your first swordfight to the death?”
Russell looked down at his little friend and replied, “I won, but I had practiced that scenario before. I had been trained for that situation.”
The Imp Wizard spoke slowly, “All the training means nothing if you don’t have the ability to put it to use. You have been trained for this. Rockarius entered his first battle and nobody thought with his inexperience that he would win. It would have been a fool’s bet to wager on that little man, to be perfectly frank. This battle isn’t going to turn you into a hero. You already are a hero. This test will expose that even further. You’ve already battled the demons at the site of the First Battle. Nobody else in the world has any experience in fighting the coldomores. Your entire life has been building up to this moment; you just have to believe.”
Now I am supposed to trust you. You were wrong about me being the holder of the Pearl.
Several hours passed and Riceros and Kazu still hadn’t returned. Dragon-Eyes’ motivational speech did little to spur Russell’s confidence. He had trouble coming to grips with the fact that he wasn’t the chosen one, and would never hold the Pearl. If the spirits should abandon me, I am just a young man against an army of demons and dragons. I’m as good as dead. One-on-one combat is very different than fighting a force that carries no honor in battle. I could be stabbed from behind in a flash and that’s it.
The night moved along and Sunny and his search crew came back to the library. Russell watched the shaggy red hair bounce from side to side as Sunny shook his head. His mouth appeared tightened with the cleft palate but his unsatisfied look made words unnecessary. The pacing wizard started to mutter under his breath and looked angry. Russell had only seen him this upset when he had spilled all of his Fuji Dust. A few more students left during the night to find Riceros, but the boy with the Pearl never returned and Russell felt worthless.
He woke up the next day and felt even worse. The only thing everyone talked about was Riceros. Russell wondered if there would be this level of concern if he had gone missing. He doubted it. He moped around after breakfast and saw Dragon-Eyes deep in thought as he stood against a wall with his eyes shut. He wanted to talk to the dwarf but didn’t want to listen to him whine over Riceros’ disappearance. Russell would never openly admit it, but he was jealous of the boy who held the Pearl of Wisdom. That was supposed to be Russell Seabrook.
He went to the library and sat down at one of the tables. To his surprise, Shireez entered the room and walked toward him. He looked at her welcoming pudgy face and bright eyes as she sat down next to him.
She spoke in her normal, soft-spoken voice, “I know you are disappointed and I am probably the last person you wish to speak to, but you are missing out on why you were sent here.”
Russell commented back, “I know why. I’m here to distract the demons with the spirits so the others can do the real fighting.”
She smirked before saying, “Real fighting? You’ve already killed several men and demons alike. You aren’t a distraction, you are the real fight. Don’t think for a moment that the demons won’t bring all those dark spirits we saw on Fire Island to help them. Without you and your gift, the humans stand no chance, dragons or not. I still think you are the most important person involved with this war. Remember, you can hold the Pearl, Russell.”
He looked into her eyes and said, “But I can’t. The Pearl is embedded in the kid. Riceros Colbert is the Pearl.”
Shireez reminded him, “So if he is the most important piece to this battle, then what is the most important task you can carry out? You can still hold the Pearl and show why you are here.”
Later that day, Dragon-Eyes entered the underground kitchens as Russell rummaged around for dried foods and breads.
The dwarf came closer and asked, “What are we doing?”
Russell simply replied, “Gathering supplies.”
He stuffed some salted camel sausages into his bag and the wizard said, “I will not let you leave for Waters Edge. I insist that you belong here.”
Russell paused for a few moments and said, “I can’t go home because I never truly had one. I am going to find and bring back the Pearl of Wisdom.”
Dragon-Eyes sported a confused look as he reminded Russell, “We already know who holds the Pearl.”
Russell looked down at the dwarf and said, “I understand that. I am going to find Riceros. Why do you think I am here?”
Dragon-Eyes nodded his head in approval. “That’s great. Are you venturing out with Sunny and Muriel’s group?”
Russell smiled and simply stated, “No.”
The dwarf tilted his head to one side and asked, “So who are you going with? Please don’t tell me you aren’t thinking of a solo quest through this land that you know nothing about.”
Russell shook his head and responded, “Come now, you know I wouldn’t be that foolhardy. I’m taking Lizeria.”
The wizard’s eyes widened as he objected, “Please smile and tell me this is another one of your jests. The girl is practically defenseless.”
Russell said with a serious face, “Defenseless. I thought so too. That was until I watched the bravest girl I have ever met kill a demon. I ask you, have you ever killed a demon in all your years?”
The Imp pursed his lips and replied, “Don’t try to be cute. You should take Dioneer with you.”
Russell disagreed, “If something has happened to Riceros, someone will be looking out for a rescue effort. Dioneer could be easily spotted or heard. Even his breathing is loud. Think about it, Kazu and Riceros are tiny. I might need a person of similar size to help find them. Facts. I’m leaving with Lizeria. We are going to find the Pearl, and if necessary, I will hold and carry the Pearl like we had previously talked about. This is just a different way of doing it.”